Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I could stay stay stay, if that’s what you want want want ~ Cee-Lo Green, What Part of Forever

So... I am updating my blog, finally.

And also, I have had an amazing couple of weeks.

Times I have seen Eclipse: 3


I had two three-day weekends in a row. The first contained 3 days poolside, some shopping, hanging out with Tina and Jennifer (separately though), and giving blood. I also helped my dad repair some of the vinyl on the boat (yeah, the BOAT)!

The week in between held the midnight showing of Eclipse with Tina and Jennifer (this time together) where they showed up dressed exactly the same and not at all Twilight related, thought I can't say the same for myself. I was clad in my Team Edward shirt with Cullen crest earrings in my ears. We stopped and got Cherry Dr. Pepper and peanut butter M&Ms on the way, so the whole experience was awesome. As usual, I loved Edward and was happy to get to see him smile more. Highlights: the leg hitch, the tent scene.

Thursday night I had dinner with Mom and Matt at La Fuente, where I proceeded to drink half a pitcher of frozen margaritas, I blame my mom because she kept refilling my glass.

Friday I had lunch with Cindy at Jerusalem Cafe in Westport where I had their amazing hummus and falafel plate. I was so full, but it was so worth it. Friday night I saw Eclipse again with my stepmom at AMC Mainstreet and we had dinner beforehand at the Bristol. The food was delicious, we had the chef's tasting menu with wine pairings. The movie theater had vibrating seats and the way the audience sits in relation to the screen almost gave me motion sickness (that I had just consumed a lot of food probably didn't help the situation).

I spent Saturday by the pool with the fam. I started reading Eat, Pray, Love and we ate ribs. This is where I need to incorporate the cuteness that is my four (and a half!) year old cousin Shep. When talking about the nationality of the characters of Dora the Explorer he claims that Diego is St. Louis and Dora is Chinese. And, during dinner that evening while eating our beans to accompany our ribs my cousin Madison informed him of the bean song and how they make you toot. He claims if you leave one bean on your plate such gastrointestinal issues will not occur. He left a bean, I finished mine off. He came to me that night after homemade ice cream and sparklers and asked me if I had tooted yet. It was the cutest! My answer (and it's the truth!) was no, not yet.

Sunday we had a Bromley family workout and then my cousin called to inform me that her singing performance in Overland Park would now be at 2 pm instead of 3. It's one and I just worked out. I showered and made my way to my dad's where he sped faster than I had ever seen that "defensive driver" go. We ran up the stairs and up the escalator and made it literally as she was being called to the stage.

On Monday I went to lunch at Red Lobster with my mom's side where I ate no less than 3 cheddar biscuits. I then rode about 9 1/2 miles on my bike with my dad, and we barely missed the rain. That night I saw Eclipse for the 3rd time, with my cousin Lauren. We had a great time, and may have talked a bit during the movie, so sorry to those around us, we sat to the side for a reason, our third viewings were meant for commentary. We may or may not have had Sonic Blasts on our way home.

Yesterday was Tuesday. I finished Eat, Pray, Love. I enjoyed it immensely. I also cooked. I made everything in my CSA bag: zucchini, corn, garlic, beets. I even used by green beans form last week, basil from Mary's garden, and a leftover hamburger I had frozen from my pool party. Yay me!

There will be more more parties on or near water to come.

And I'm going to Happy Hour tonight! I'm living the life. Or maybe just living life.

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